For each exam module, you have one free resit - that is, one free ‘do-over.’ If you would like another opportunity to pass the module, you can purchase a resit. You can purchase as many resits as you need. Use resits to make sure that you have the chance to fully understand the material, and improve your results.

This is not a standalone item, and should only be purchased in conjunction with a course.



Sale price
  • Regular price €5.99

    For each exam module, you have one free resit - that is, one free ‘do-over.’ If you would like another opportunity to pass the module, you can purchase a resit. You can purchase as many resits as you need. Use resits to make sure that you have the chance to fully understand the material, and improve your results.

    This is not a standalone item, and should only be purchased in conjunction with a course.