À propos

A spray tan is a sunless tanning option that is in high demand and not going away anytime soon. Spray tans are used by thousands of people looking to get red carpet ready, wedding ready, vacation ready, or who just want a bronze glow during the winter months. Learning how to apply a spray tan is one of the best beauty skills to have in order to grow your current business or start a new one.

Starting a new business can be daunting, but this course will take you step-by-step through the process. From the different types of spray tans, to health and safety for you and your clients, to products to avoid and pricing, you’ll learn all the knowledge you need to be successful in running your own spray tanning business.

Spray tanning has the potential to earn you over 100K per year, so take the time to learn the basics of this skill and sign up today.

    Conditions requises

    International Open Academy courses are designed for anyone with an interest in learning. No formal qualifications are required to study with us. Our courses are suitable if you want to learn new skills, start a new career, or if you’re already working in a particular industry and wish to upgrade your talents and enhance your resume.


    Module 1: Introduction

    • What is spray tanning
    • History of spray tanning
    • Spray tan, tanning beds, and outdoor tanning
    • What is DHA and how is it used in spray tanning

    Module 2: Equipment And Supplies

    • Your equipment
    • A guide to air guns
    • Types of spray tan
    • Safe storage and transport of equipment and chemicals
    • Health and safety – for you and your clients

    Module 3: Preparation And Application

    • How to prepare the skin and spray tan room
    • Body application
    • Face application
    • Common problems and how to fix them

    Module 4: Aftercare

    • Immediate aftercare
    • Spray tan maintenance
    • Products to avoid
    • Proper equipment cleaning

    Module 5: Building Your Business

    • Pricing and session times
    • Types of spray tan businesses
    • Using social media
    • Creating repeat customers


    Who is this course for?

    • Anyone who is already familiar with spray tanning, but wants to brush up on their skills
    • Business owners who want to add spray tanning as a service
    • Those looking to get started in the beauty industry and is looking for an affordable service to learn
    • People interested in starting their own spray tanning business

    Comment cela va-t-il m'aider ?

    This course takes the stress out of having to be somewhere at a specific time each week for training. With this course you can study at your own pace and from the comfort of your own home or anywhere in the world. It allows you to become a certified spray tan technician in just a few weeks so you can start your new business or get a better job within the beauty industry.


    Vous devrez suivre chaque leçon dans son intégralité et répondre aux examens à la fin de chaque module de cours. Si votre taux de réussite dépasse 55 % à chaque examen, vous avez alors droit à un certificat de réussite ou à d'autres options d'accréditation pour reconnaître votre réussite.

    La plupart de nos cours vous rapporteront des crédits via la formation continue (CE) / le développement professionnel continu (CPD). Les points CE/CPD sont acceptés et reconnus par les organismes membres professionnels et les établissements universitaires aux États-Unis et dans le monde.

    Tous les cours sont accrédités par l'International Council for Online Educational Standards (www.icoes.org) et l'Association internationale des collèges privés d'enseignement professionnel (www.iapcc.org). Lorsqu'ils terminent avec succès un cours, les étudiants peuvent choisir d'acheter un certificat ICOES reconnaissant la réussite auprès de cette institution tierce.


    IOA Original

    This course is an exclusive offering from the International Open Academy (IOA). IOA Originals are thoughtfully crafted and developed either in-house by IOA or with complete ownership of production and distribution rights.

    Our team of experts has worked diligently to create, write, and produce this course, ensuring it provides learners with a distinctive opportunity to access premium content on a wide range of diverse topics.

    En solde

    Spray Tanning Masterclass

    6804 étudiants. Accrédité par ICOES. Certifié par IAPCC et CPD.

    6804 étudiants. 
    Accrédité par ICOES.
    Certifié par IAPCC et CPD.

    Prix réduit

  • - 0%
  • Prix régulier €109.00
    ( / )
    Accédez à cette formation

    À propos

    A spray tan is a sunless tanning option that is in high demand and not going away anytime soon. Spray tans are used by thousands of people looking to get red carpet ready, wedding ready, vacation ready, or who just want a bronze glow during the winter months. Learning how to apply a spray tan is one of the best beauty skills to have in order to grow your current business or start a new one.

    Starting a new business can be daunting, but this course will take you step-by-step through the process. From the different types of spray tans, to health and safety for you and your clients, to products to avoid and pricing, you’ll learn all the knowledge you need to be successful in running your own spray tanning business.

    Spray tanning has the potential to earn you over 100K per year, so take the time to learn the basics of this skill and sign up today.

      Conditions requises

      International Open Academy courses are designed for anyone with an interest in learning. No formal qualifications are required to study with us. Our courses are suitable if you want to learn new skills, start a new career, or if you’re already working in a particular industry and wish to upgrade your talents and enhance your resume.


      Module 1: Introduction

      • What is spray tanning
      • History of spray tanning
      • Spray tan, tanning beds, and outdoor tanning
      • What is DHA and how is it used in spray tanning

      Module 2: Equipment And Supplies

      • Your equipment
      • A guide to air guns
      • Types of spray tan
      • Safe storage and transport of equipment and chemicals
      • Health and safety – for you and your clients

      Module 3: Preparation And Application

      • How to prepare the skin and spray tan room
      • Body application
      • Face application
      • Common problems and how to fix them

      Module 4: Aftercare

      • Immediate aftercare
      • Spray tan maintenance
      • Products to avoid
      • Proper equipment cleaning

      Module 5: Building Your Business

      • Pricing and session times
      • Types of spray tan businesses
      • Using social media
      • Creating repeat customers


      Who is this course for?

      • Anyone who is already familiar with spray tanning, but wants to brush up on their skills
      • Business owners who want to add spray tanning as a service
      • Those looking to get started in the beauty industry and is looking for an affordable service to learn
      • People interested in starting their own spray tanning business

      Comment cela va-t-il m'aider ?

      This course takes the stress out of having to be somewhere at a specific time each week for training. With this course you can study at your own pace and from the comfort of your own home or anywhere in the world. It allows you to become a certified spray tan technician in just a few weeks so you can start your new business or get a better job within the beauty industry.


      IOA Original


      This course is an exclusive offering from the International Open Academy (IOA). IOA Originals are thoughtfully crafted and developed either in-house by IOA or with complete ownership of production and distribution rights.

      Our team of experts has worked diligently to create, write, and produce this course, ensuring it provides learners with a distinctive opportunity to access premium content on a wide range of diverse topics.