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Become a master baker from your own kitchen. Learn how to create gorgeous cakes with silky icing in this online course.
Follow the steps in Sophisticated Baking & Cake Design and you’ll be brimming with ideas for cakes for all occasions. Learn the key to making excellent icing and fondant, creating beautiful decorations and designs, and managing the difficulties of stacking layers and transportation.
With a steady hand and this course, you can design delicious masterpieces that look like they’ve come straight from a top Parisian patisserie and amaze your friends and family.
International Open Academy courses are designed for anyone with an interest in learning. No formal qualifications are required to study with us. Our courses are suitable if you want to learn new skills, start a new career, or if you’re already working in a particular industry and wish to upgrade your talents and enhance your resume.
Module 1: Getting Started
- Evaluating the Occasion
- Determining Size
- Choosing a Design
- Gathering Supplies
- Cutting Pieces
Module 2: Icing
- Making Buttercream
- Piping
- Star or Petal Tips
- Patterned Designs
- Icing vs. Fondant
Module 3: Making Fondant
- What You Need
- Creating the Fondant
- Getting Your Texture Right
- Getting the Color Right
- How Important is Taste?
Module 4: Decorating With Fondant
- The Basics
- Simple Designs
- Complex Patterns
- The Hand Painted Technique
- Embellishments
Module 5: Putting It All Together
- Stacking Cakes
- Adding Design Elements
- Transportation
- Presentation
- Serving
Who is this course for?
- Everyone who wishes to create a unique and exciting birthday cake for their children
- Those who are seeking a career as a baker and cake decorator
- Event planners wishing to add a new element to their services
- Bloggers who want to show their baking to the world
- Everybody who is looking to turn their cake-baking hobby into a small business
Posibilidades de carrera
- Open your own artisanal bakery, specializing in wedding cakes
- Create amazing cakes for friends and family
- Take your existing bakery or catering company to a whole new level
- Teach other bakers how to wow with wedding cakes
Deberás completar cada módulo en su totalidad y responder a los exámenes al final de cada módulo del curso. Si tu tasa de aprobación supera el 55% en cada examen, estarás calificado para acceder a un certificado de consecución u otras opciones de acreditación para reconocer tu éxito.
La mayoría de nuestros cursos te otorgarán créditos a través de Educación Continua (CE) / Desarrollo Profesional Continuo (CPD). Los puntos CE/CPD son aceptados y reconocidos por entidades profesionales e instituciones académicas en Estados Unidos e internacionalmente.
Además, todos nuestros cursos están acreditados por el Consejo Internacional de Estándares Educativos en Línea ( y la Asociación Internacional de Colegios de Carrera Privada ( Al completar con éxito un curso, los estudiantes pueden optar a adquirir un certificado ICOES que reconoce el éxito mediante esta institución externa.
IOA Original
This course is an exclusive offering from the International Open Academy (IOA). IOA Originals are thoughtfully crafted and developed either in-house by IOA or with complete ownership of production and distribution rights.
Our team of experts has worked diligently to create, write, and produce this course, ensuring it provides learners with a distinctive opportunity to access premium content on a wide range of diverse topics.
Sophisticated Baking & Cake Design
10279 estudiantes. Acreditación ICOES. Certificación IAPCC y CPD.
10279 estudiantes.
Acreditación ICOES.
Certificación IAPCC y CPD.
Acerca de
Become a master baker from your own kitchen. Learn how to create gorgeous cakes with silky icing in this online course.
Follow the steps in Sophisticated Baking & Cake Design and you’ll be brimming with ideas for cakes for all occasions. Learn the key to making excellent icing and fondant, creating beautiful decorations and designs, and managing the difficulties of stacking layers and transportation.
With a steady hand and this course, you can design delicious masterpieces that look like they’ve come straight from a top Parisian patisserie and amaze your friends and family.
International Open Academy courses are designed for anyone with an interest in learning. No formal qualifications are required to study with us. Our courses are suitable if you want to learn new skills, start a new career, or if you’re already working in a particular industry and wish to upgrade your talents and enhance your resume.
Module 1: Getting Started
- Evaluating the Occasion
- Determining Size
- Choosing a Design
- Gathering Supplies
- Cutting Pieces
Module 2: Icing
- Making Buttercream
- Piping
- Star or Petal Tips
- Patterned Designs
- Icing vs. Fondant
Module 3: Making Fondant
- What You Need
- Creating the Fondant
- Getting Your Texture Right
- Getting the Color Right
- How Important is Taste?
Module 4: Decorating With Fondant
- The Basics
- Simple Designs
- Complex Patterns
- The Hand Painted Technique
- Embellishments
Module 5: Putting It All Together
- Stacking Cakes
- Adding Design Elements
- Transportation
- Presentation
- Serving
Who is this course for?
- Everyone who wishes to create a unique and exciting birthday cake for their children
- Those who are seeking a career as a baker and cake decorator
- Event planners wishing to add a new element to their services
- Bloggers who want to show their baking to the world
- Everybody who is looking to turn their cake-baking hobby into a small business
Posibilidades de carrera
- Open your own artisanal bakery, specializing in wedding cakes
- Create amazing cakes for friends and family
- Take your existing bakery or catering company to a whole new level
- Teach other bakers how to wow with wedding cakes
IOA Original
Our team of experts has worked diligently to create, write, and produce this course, ensuring it provides learners with a distinctive opportunity to access premium content on a wide range of diverse topics.