Acerca de

Enjoy bread in its purest form by learning how to bake it with your own hands in this online course. Even if you’ve never baked bread before, this course makes it easy with step-by-step instructions and access to recipes from all over the world.

Bread Making gives you the lowdown on basic techniques, the necessary equipment, and how to solve problems with the dough or texture of the bread. With over 20 recipes, you'll have endless opportunities to try and try again as you learn how to master the art of bread baking.

From bagels to walnut bread, French baguettes to naan, sink your teeth into this course and start cooking.


    International Open Academy courses are designed for anyone with an interest in learning. No formal qualifications are required to study with us. Our courses are suitable if you want to learn new skills, start a new career, or if you’re already working in a particular industry and wish to upgrade your talents and enhance your resume.


    Module 1: Introduction

    • A brief history
    • Breads from around the world
    • Essential ingredients
    • Other ingredients

    Module 2: Equipment

    • Weighing and measuring
    • Mixing and rising
    • Appliances
    • Tins, bakeware and other tools

    Module 3: Basic Techniques

    • Preparing the leaveners
    • Mixing the ingredients
    • Kneading the dough
    • Rising and knocking back
    • Shaping the dough
    • Proving
    • Applying glazes and finishes
    • Baking
    • Slicing
    • Storing and freezing

    Module 4: How To Solve Baking Problems

    • Pre-baking dough problems
    • Post-baking problems
    • Bread texture problems

    Module 5: Fun Bread Recipes For Beginners

    • Basic white bread
    • Free-form white loaf
    • Wholemeal loaf
    • Granary flowerpot bread
    • Poppy seed plait
    • Spelt bloomer
    • Gluten-free buckwheat loaves
    • French baguettes
    • French-style sourdough loaf
    • Ciabatta
    • German-style rye bread
    • Gluten-free sourdough
    • Brioche à tête

    Module 6: Even More Delicious Recipes

    • Bagels
    • Middle-Eastern style flatbread
    • Naan breads
    • Panettone
    • Donuts
    • Stollen
    • Walnut bread
    • Pane al cioccolato
    • Potato bread
    • Cheesy pesto swirl
    • Soda bread
    • American-style cornbread


    Who is this course for?

    • Anyone who loves the smell of homemade bread and wants to try different recipes
    • Home cooks who want to know how to bake bread
    • Those looking to sell their homemade bread at markets or fundraising events
    • Anyone concerned about the price and ingredients used in store bought breads


    Deberás completar cada módulo en su totalidad y responder a los exámenes al final de cada módulo del curso. Si tu tasa de aprobación supera el 55% en cada examen, estarás calificado para acceder a un certificado de consecución u otras opciones de acreditación para reconocer tu éxito.

    La mayoría de nuestros cursos te otorgarán créditos a través de Educación Continua (CE) / Desarrollo Profesional Continuo (CPD). Los puntos CE/CPD son aceptados y reconocidos por entidades profesionales e instituciones académicas en Estados Unidos e internacionalmente.

    Además, todos nuestros cursos están acreditados por el Consejo Internacional de Estándares Educativos en Línea ( y la Asociación Internacional de Colegios de Carrera Privada ( Al completar con éxito un curso, los estudiantes pueden optar a adquirir un certificado ICOES que reconoce el éxito mediante esta institución externa.


    Kathryn Hawkins

    Expertise: Cooking

    Kathryn Hawkins is an experienced cooking writer, food stylist, and home economist. She has authored more than 20 books on baking and natural food, including Bread!; Chocolate!; Crepes, Waffles and Pancakes!; and Comfort Pie. Kathryn was cookery editor at Woman's Own magazine and has worked on a wide range of consumer publications. She also prepares food for photography used in advertising, packaging, poster campaigns, and online.

    En oferta

    Bread Making

    5195 estudiantes. Acreditación ICOES. Certificación IAPCC.

    5195 estudiantes. 
    Acreditación ICOES.
    Certificación IAPCC.

    Precio de oferta


  • - 0%
  • Precio habitual €109.00
    ( / )
    Acceso a este curso

    Acerca de

    Enjoy bread in its purest form by learning how to bake it with your own hands in this online course. Even if you’ve never baked bread before, this course makes it easy with step-by-step instructions and access to recipes from all over the world.

    Bread Making gives you the lowdown on basic techniques, the necessary equipment, and how to solve problems with the dough or texture of the bread. With over 20 recipes, you'll have endless opportunities to try and try again as you learn how to master the art of bread baking.

    From bagels to walnut bread, French baguettes to naan, sink your teeth into this course and start cooking.


      International Open Academy courses are designed for anyone with an interest in learning. No formal qualifications are required to study with us. Our courses are suitable if you want to learn new skills, start a new career, or if you’re already working in a particular industry and wish to upgrade your talents and enhance your resume.


      Module 1: Introduction

      • A brief history
      • Breads from around the world
      • Essential ingredients
      • Other ingredients

      Module 2: Equipment

      • Weighing and measuring
      • Mixing and rising
      • Appliances
      • Tins, bakeware and other tools

      Module 3: Basic Techniques

      • Preparing the leaveners
      • Mixing the ingredients
      • Kneading the dough
      • Rising and knocking back
      • Shaping the dough
      • Proving
      • Applying glazes and finishes
      • Baking
      • Slicing
      • Storing and freezing

      Module 4: How To Solve Baking Problems

      • Pre-baking dough problems
      • Post-baking problems
      • Bread texture problems

      Module 5: Fun Bread Recipes For Beginners

      • Basic white bread
      • Free-form white loaf
      • Wholemeal loaf
      • Granary flowerpot bread
      • Poppy seed plait
      • Spelt bloomer
      • Gluten-free buckwheat loaves
      • French baguettes
      • French-style sourdough loaf
      • Ciabatta
      • German-style rye bread
      • Gluten-free sourdough
      • Brioche à tête

      Module 6: Even More Delicious Recipes

      • Bagels
      • Middle-Eastern style flatbread
      • Naan breads
      • Panettone
      • Donuts
      • Stollen
      • Walnut bread
      • Pane al cioccolato
      • Potato bread
      • Cheesy pesto swirl
      • Soda bread
      • American-style cornbread


      Who is this course for?

      • Anyone who loves the smell of homemade bread and wants to try different recipes
      • Home cooks who want to know how to bake bread
      • Those looking to sell their homemade bread at markets or fundraising events
      • Anyone concerned about the price and ingredients used in store bought breads


      Kathryn Hawkins

      Expertise: Cooking

      Kathryn Hawkins is an experienced cooking writer, food stylist, and home economist. She has authored more than 20 books on baking and natural food, including Bread!; Chocolate!; Crepes, Waffles and Pancakes!; and Comfort Pie. Kathryn was cookery editor at Woman's Own magazine and has worked on a wide range of consumer publications. She also prepares food for photography used in advertising, packaging, poster campaigns, and online.