With more than 7 billion people living on the planet, the need to live sustainably has never been greater. But let’s be honest... it’s a lot easier said than done. That’s why we’ve partnered with a leading zero waste specialist to bring you our first sustainable living video course.
Learn how to easily reduce your waste without spending an arm or a leg on expensive alternatives or sacrificing the things you love. Sustainability advocate, writer, and lecturer Gittemarie Johansen will teach you about plastic and recycling, the impact of food waste, how to bring sustainability into your home, and the benefits of green clothing and second hand shopping.
Imagine being able to live a healthy and renewable life that gives you independence from expensive one time products. Reduce your waste and start living for the planet today.
International Open Academy courses are designed for anyone with an interest in learning. No formal qualifications are required to study with us. Our courses are suitable if you want to learn new skills, start a new career, or if you’re already working in a particular industry and wish to upgrade your talents and enhance your resume.
Module 1: Introduction
- Meet a zero waster
- Course overview
- An overview of sustainable lifestyles
- Navigating sustainability
- Looking for perfection
Module 2: Plastic and Recycling
- The plastic issue
- Plastic in nature
- Easy alternatives to plastic
- Typical recycling problems
- The problem with landfills
Module 3: The Impact of Food
- Our relationship with supermarkets
- Avoiding food waste
- Animal agriculture and its problems
- Palm oil and other unsustainable plants
- Do boycotts work
Module 4: Sustainability at Home
- Sustainable special occasions
- Construction, fuel and energy
- Where waste comes from
- When you live with others
- The impact of electronics
Module 5: Green Clothing and Second-Hand Shopping
- An introduction to fast fashion
- How to dress sustainably
- Natural versus sustainable materials
- A guide to second-hand shopping
- How to find truly sustainable companies
Who is this course for?
- Anyone interested in learning how to live more sustainably
- Everyone searching for simple ways to start reducing their carbon footprint
- All business owners looking to make their company more environmentally friendly
Deberás completar cada módulo en su totalidad y responder a los exámenes al final de cada módulo del curso. Si tu tasa de aprobación supera el 55% en cada examen, estarás calificado para acceder a un certificado de consecución u otras opciones de acreditación para reconocer tu éxito.
La mayoría de nuestros cursos te otorgarán créditos a través de Educación Continua (CE) / Desarrollo Profesional Continuo (CPD). Los puntos CE/CPD son aceptados y reconocidos por entidades profesionales e instituciones académicas en Estados Unidos e internacionalmente.
Además, todos nuestros cursos están acreditados por el Consejo Internacional de Estándares Educativos en Línea (www.icoes.org) y la Asociación Internacional de Colegios de Carrera Privada (www.iapcc.org). Al completar con éxito un curso, los estudiantes pueden optar a adquirir un certificado ICOES que reconoce el éxito mediante esta institución externa.

Gittemarie Johansen
Expertise: Sustainability
Gittemarie Johansen is a full-time sustainability advocate, writer, and lecturer. She has a degree in English and Culture, but has been working with sustainability and activism for more than five years. She works closely with organizations and NGOs to advocate for social issues and push the sustainable agenda in the political discourse. She uses her online platforms to dismantle myths about plastic and pollution, and to deconstruct sustainability in a manner that makes it simpler for the everyday consumer to make those green transitions.
With more than 7 billion people living on the planet, the need to live sustainably has never been greater. But let’s be honest... it’s a lot easier said than done. That’s why we’ve partnered with a leading zero waste specialist to bring you our first sustainable living video course.
Learn how to easily reduce your waste without spending an arm or a leg on expensive alternatives or sacrificing the things you love. Sustainability advocate, writer, and lecturer Gittemarie Johansen will teach you about plastic and recycling, the impact of food waste, how to bring sustainability into your home, and the benefits of green clothing and second hand shopping.
Imagine being able to live a healthy and renewable life that gives you independence from expensive one time products. Reduce your waste and start living for the planet today.
International Open Academy courses are designed for anyone with an interest in learning. No formal qualifications are required to study with us. Our courses are suitable if you want to learn new skills, start a new career, or if you’re already working in a particular industry and wish to upgrade your talents and enhance your resume.
Module 1: Introduction
- Meet a zero waster
- Course overview
- An overview of sustainable lifestyles
- Navigating sustainability
- Looking for perfection
Module 2: Plastic and Recycling
- The plastic issue
- Plastic in nature
- Easy alternatives to plastic
- Typical recycling problems
- The problem with landfills
Module 3: The Impact of Food
- Our relationship with supermarkets
- Avoiding food waste
- Animal agriculture and its problems
- Palm oil and other unsustainable plants
- Do boycotts work
Module 4: Sustainability at Home
- Sustainable special occasions
- Construction, fuel and energy
- Where waste comes from
- When you live with others
- The impact of electronics
Module 5: Green Clothing and Second-Hand Shopping
- An introduction to fast fashion
- How to dress sustainably
- Natural versus sustainable materials
- A guide to second-hand shopping
- How to find truly sustainable companies
Who is this course for?
- Anyone interested in learning how to live more sustainably
- Everyone searching for simple ways to start reducing their carbon footprint
- All business owners looking to make their company more environmentally friendly

Gittemarie Johansen
Expertise: Sustainability
Gittemarie Johansen is a full-time sustainability advocate, writer, and lecturer. She has a degree in English and Culture, but has been working with sustainability and activism for more than five years. She works closely with organizations and NGOs to advocate for social issues and push the sustainable agenda in the political discourse. She uses her online platforms to dismantle myths about plastic and pollution, and to deconstruct sustainability in a manner that makes it simpler for the everyday consumer to make those green transitions.